- This is an online, learn-at-your-own-pace, course hosted on the Asphalt Institute Learning Portal.
- For payment issues, please see our Learning System Checkout and Payment page.
- For group registrations or other issues, please contact us by email (webinars@asphaltinstitute.org) or phone (859.288.4960).
Price: $FREE
In 2010 the International Slurry Surfacing Association and the National Center for Pavement Preservation joined forces to update the ISSA Inspectors Manual. This updated document serves as a valuable asset to agencies, consultants and inspectors who utilize Slurry Seals & Microsurfacing on pavements and are responsible for their inspection and acceptance. The 120-page publication covers materials, mix design, equipment calibration in the field, sampling at the site, inspection responsibilities & procedures, safety, surface preparation, stockpiling procedures, problems that may occur, their potential causes, solutions to those problems, and other suggestions. Referred to as MA-1 ISSA Inspector’s Manual, this publication can be ordered at slurry.org.
This webinar will cover the highlights of the new Inspector’s Manual by guiding participants through all phases of Slurry Seal & Microsurfacing construction & inspection. Emphasis will be on illustrating the step by step procedures necessary for proper installation & oversight of projects. While not necessary to have the MA1 ISSA Inspector’s Manual during this webinar to follow the presentation and benefit greatly from the information discussed, it is highly encouraged to do so either before or after the webinar in order to have a quality reference manual.
- Slurry Systems
- Materials & Design
- Construction of Treatments
- Calibration procedures
- Contract Administration
- Problem Solving
- Special Situations
- Mark McCollough, Asphalt Materials, Inc.
- Tim Harwood, Vance Brothers, Inc.
Professional Development Hours
- 1.5 hrs., 1.5 PDHs
- Earned PDHs and certifications can be downloaded at your convenience when logged into the Asphalt Institute Learning Portal. Using the menu icon in the upper left corner, go to the “My Activities” menu option: select either the “Courses” or “Learning Plans” option from the menu on the page. To the right of each course or learning plan you have completed will be an award icon. Clicking that icon will allow you to download the desired certificate.
- Registration is per individual. Only the registered person will receive emails about the webinar and will be recognized for a PDH certificate. See below for group registration.
Group Registration & PDH Certificate Policy
- Full details are listed on the Group Registration Policy page.
For more information contact
- Asphalt Institute Headquarters
- Phone: 859.288.4960
- Fax: 859.288.4999
- Email: webinars@asphaltinstitute.org